Channel: MySQL Forums - Connector/C++
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Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory (2 replies)

it's my first time using this connector so I'm trying an example taken from MySQL site. I'm trying to see how to work with this connector to build a new C++ program, get in touch with the methodology, variables, headers, etc, but everytime I try to compile the code (copied below) I got the error "[Error] boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory". Do you know why? what is that boost folder/package? Is it coming with the connector?

These are the info you could need to help me:

1) Compiler/IDE: DEV C++ v5.11
2) MySQL Connector: mysql-connector-c++-1.1.9-winx64
3) Windows 7 64b (I know it's old but I need to develop this using that version of Windows)
C:\Users\9888766\Documents\MySQL_Test\mysql-connector\include\mysql_connection.h [Error] boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory

CODE/PROGRAM (taken from MYSQL site):

/* Standard C++ includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

Include directly the different
headers from cppconn/ and mysql_driver.h + mysql_util.h
(and mysql_connection.h). This will reduce your build time!
#include "mysql_connection.h"

#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void)
cout << endl;
cout << "Running 'SELECT 'Hello World!' »
AS _message'..." << endl;

try {
sql::Driver *driver;
sql::Connection *con;
sql::Statement *stmt;
sql::ResultSet *res;

/* Create a connection */
driver = get_driver_instance();
con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "root");
/* Connect to the MySQL test database */

stmt = con->createStatement();
res = stmt->executeQuery("SELECT 'Hello World!' AS _message");
while (res->next()) {
cout << "\t... MySQL replies: ";
/* Access column data by alias or column name */
cout << res->getString("_message") << endl;
cout << "\t... MySQL says it again: ";
/* Access column data by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */
cout << res->getString(1) << endl;
delete res;
delete stmt;
delete con;

} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " »
<< __LINE__ << endl;
cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl;

cout << endl;


CDK Error: Connection refused; X Dev API, mysqlconnector8 (no replies)

I have mysqlxsys installed on my MySQL Server 5.7. I have created the world_x sample schema, along with the sample city, country, etc. tables. My user@hostname has all privileges on the tables. I can execute queries on the tables with MySQLWorkbench. and with mysqlsh. I downloaded and built mysql-connector-cpp-master. The install created libmysqlcppconn8.so. I've linked and compiled a test app against this library. When I try to establish a Session I get the error

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mysqlx::Error'
what(): CDK Error: Connection refused (generic:111)
Can you tell me what's going on?

I previously built and successfully tested mysqlcppconn from mysql-connector-c++-1.1.9.
The X Dev API docs mention that mysqlcppconn2 will be built. Have I installed the wrong source?


get_driver_instance() function in Visual Studio 2017 (no replies)

Hello and welcome,

I am using Visual Studio 2017 Community and I am trying to compile an example program, which features connector/c++.

I did everything from Developer Guide to make it work :
- Linked Boost libraries
- Linked Connector/C++ static library
- Switched from Debug to Release
- Installed binary (I really don't want to build from source unless I absolutly have to)

When I do all of this stuff and try to compile an example program, Visual Studio shows error:

1>MySQL test.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _get_driver_instance

What can I do to make the program work?

MySQL 8.0: Source, C++11, GCC 8, Clang 6, ASan, UBSan (no replies)

wxWidgets (no replies)


I would like to use the wxWidgets library with the wonderful Orwell Dev C++. I have tried to compile wxWidgets with TDM-GCC x64 4.7.1 which installs with Dev C++ 5.4.1. After trying to manually configure the wxWidgets MS Windows makefile I am still getting a variety of errors.
Has anyone succeeded in compiling the library?

cmake errors 8.0.7 when enabling legacy connector (no replies)

I am trying to build from source and encounter errors from cmake when enabling the legacy connector (-DWITH_JDBC=ON).

I run this cmake command:

cmake3 -DWITH_BOOST:FILEPATH=/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/boost/1.66.0/devtoolset-7 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/devtoolset-7 -DMYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlclient/6.1.11/devtoolset-7/bin/mysql_config -DMYSQL_LIB=/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlclient/6.1.11/devtoolset-7/lib/libmysqlclient.so -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_JDBC=ON .

Here is a sampling of the error output, though many files fail to compile, but they all relate to this same error:

4 Run Build Command:"/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/gmake" "cmTC_0e8ab/fast"
5 /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/build
6 gmake[1]: Entering directory '/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
7 Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/src.cxx.o
8 /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/c++ -std=c++11 -std=c++11 -DHAVE_IS_SAME -std=c++11 -fPIE -o CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/src.cxx.o -c /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/my
9 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:11: error: ‘::main’ must return ‘int’
10 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
11 ^
12 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx: In function ‘int main()’:
13 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:22: error: ‘is_same’ was not declared in this scope
14 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
15 ^~~~~~~
16 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:30: error: expected primary-expression before ‘bool’
17 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
18 ^~~~
19 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:30: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘bool’
20 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:34: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘,’ token
21 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
22 ^
23 /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.cxx:1:35: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘char’
24 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
25 ^~~~
26 gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/build.make:66: CMakeFiles/cmTC_0e8ab.dir/src.cxx.o] Error 1
27 gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
28 gmake: *** [Makefile:126: cmTC_0e8ab/fast] Error 2
30 Source file was:
31 void main() { return is_same<bool,char>::value; }
32 Determining if the include file sys/endian.h exists failed with the following output:
33 Change Dir: /data/cmNFS2/scm/share/v1/thirdparty/mysqlcppconn/8.0.7-rc/archive/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.7-rc-src/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp

Note, I had to fix a bug in jdbc.cmake, line 81, added -DMYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=${MYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} so that it would properly accept the value from the CLI.

There seems to be another bug as well when it's trying to determine if the compilers for the C driver and the current compiler are the same, it's doing a regex on the mysql_config output, but mysql_config never outputs the compiler used, so this is a bug in the cmake script, but I believe it only emits a warning so I am ignoring it for now.

My question is to the forum, why is the compilation errors happening? Is it because I'm using a non-standard location for my toolchain perhaps? I'm using latest toolchain from redhat devtools-7.

1 Information about the build environment:
3 OS information : Linux-3.10.0-327.4.5.el7.x86_64
4 C compiler : GNU 7.3.1
5 C++ compiler : GNU 7.3.1
6 GLIBC version : (GNU libc) 2.17

MySQL 8.0: Connector/C++ (no replies)

Connector/C++ 8.0 library link error (no replies)


I'm was try mysql Connector/C++ 8.0 library link from linux centos 7 but error.

I'm did install mysql devl, lib, client, server but it was still there is no change.

I thought it was mysql version problem but according to official MySQL reference, it is not.

I came here because I could not find any related information.

Thank you in advance

Error contents :

# g++ -std=c++11 -DSTATIC_CONCPP -I /usr/include/mysql test.cpp /lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -o TEST

/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_mysqlx_objs_auth_mysql41.cc.o): In function `scramble(std::string const&, std::string const&)':
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x15b): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Update(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x171): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Final(unsigned char*)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x18c): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Update(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x1a2): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Final(unsigned char*)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x1d9): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Update(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x1f4): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Update(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text+0x20a): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::Final(unsigned char*)'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_mysqlx_objs_auth_mysql41.cc.o): In function `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::~HASHwithTransform()':
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text._ZN8TaoCrypt17HASHwithTransformD2Ev[_ZN8TaoCrypt17HASHwithTransformD5Ev]+0x13): undefined reference to `vtable for TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_mysqlx_objs_auth_mysql41.cc.o): In function `TaoCrypt::SHA::SHA()':
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text._ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC2Ev[_ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC5Ev]+0x23): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::HASHwithTransform::HASHwithTransform(unsigned int, unsigned int)'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text._ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC2Ev[_ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC5Ev]+0x2e): undefined reference to `vtable for TaoCrypt::SHA'
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text._ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC2Ev[_ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAC5Ev]+0x3a): undefined reference to `TaoCrypt::SHA::Init()'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_mysqlx_objs_auth_mysql41.cc.o): In function `TaoCrypt::SHA::~SHA()':
auth_mysql41.cc:(.text._ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAD2Ev[_ZN8TaoCrypt3SHAD5Ev]+0x13): undefined reference to `vtable for TaoCrypt::SHA'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_socket_detail.cc.o): In function `cdk::foundation::connection::detail::initialize_socket_system()':
socket_detail.cc:(.text+0x1b2): undefined reference to `yaSSL_library_init'
socket_detail.cc:(.text+0x1b7): undefined reference to `yaOpenSSL_add_all_algorithms'
socket_detail.cc:(.text+0x1bc): undefined reference to `yaSSL_load_error_strings'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `throw_openssl_error()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0xee): undefined reference to `yaERR_get_error'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to `yaERR_error_string_n'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `connection_TLS_impl::do_connect()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x189): undefined reference to `yaTLSv1_1_client_method'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x1a5): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_new'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x219): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_set_cipher_list'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x251): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_set_verify'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x2c0): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x312): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_set_verify'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x322): undefined reference to `yaSSL_new'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x382): undefined reference to `yaSSL_set_fd'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x392): undefined reference to `yaSSL_connect'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x411): undefined reference to `yaSSL_shutdown'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x421): undefined reference to `yaSSL_free'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x44a): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_free'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `connection_TLS_impl::verify_server_cert()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x4cb): undefined reference to `yaSSL_get_peer_certificate'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x50a): undefined reference to `yaSSL_get_verify_result'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x532): undefined reference to `yaX509_get_subject_name'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to `yaX509_NAME_get_index_by_NID'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x570): undefined reference to `yaX509_NAME_get_entry'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x591): undefined reference to `yaX509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x5b2): undefined reference to `yaASN1_STRING_data'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x5c2): undefined reference to `yaASN1_STRING_length'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `cdk::foundation::connection::TLS::Read_op::common_read()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0xa13): undefined reference to `yaSSL_read'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0xa3e): undefined reference to `yaSSL_get_error'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `cdk::foundation::connection::TLS::Read_some_op::common_read()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0xcff): undefined reference to `yaSSL_read'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `cdk::foundation::connection::TLS::Write_op::common_write()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0xf4f): undefined reference to `yaSSL_write'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `cdk::foundation::connection::TLS::Write_some_op::common_write()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text+0x11dd): undefined reference to `yaSSL_write'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `connection_TLS_impl::~connection_TLS_impl()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text._ZN19connection_TLS_implD2Ev[_ZN19connection_TLS_implD5Ev]+0x30): undefined reference to `yaSSL_shutdown'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text._ZN19connection_TLS_implD2Ev[_ZN19connection_TLS_implD5Ev]+0x40): undefined reference to `yaSSL_free'
connection_openssl.cc:(.text._ZN19connection_TLS_implD2Ev[_ZN19connection_TLS_implD5Ev]+0x5d): undefined reference to `yaSSL_CTX_free'
/lib64/mysql/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a(cdk_cdk_foundation_objs_connection_openssl.cc.o): In function `safe_cert::~safe_cert()':
connection_openssl.cc:(.text._ZN9safe_certD2Ev[_ZN9safe_certD5Ev]+0x23): undefined reference to `yaX509_free'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

MySql 8.0 + Connector C++ 8.0.11 compiler error (no replies)

I have to write small program in C++ which connects with data in MySql.
My environment:
Windows 10
MySql 8.0
Connector C++ 8.0.11 (32 bit)
Code::Blocks 17.12 (32 bit) (for C++)


#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>

sql::Driver *driver;

driver = get_driver_instance();

Compiler returns error:
“undefined reference to `_imp__get_driver_instance'|”

Please help.

Getting Rows Matched for Update with non-affected rows (no replies)

When doing an update, if there are no changed rows, but there are matched rows, there does not appear a way to get this information. I'm not sure if it's buried deep inside, like related to field_count, for example.

From what I can see with the C documentation, that SDK has a means to derive this info.

I was planning on using that information to verify the update itself was a properly matched statement (as opposed to a non-existent record).

If there any planned support for this?

Where is the 32bit static library (no replies)


I downloaded and installed the connector/C++ from the link provided, but when I went into the folder structure I only see the /lib64 folder. The developer guide says that there should also be a /lib for the 32 bit libraries however I cannot find them anywhere.

Please help. Thanks!

CDK Error: unexpected message (no replies)

Hi there,

I am trying to use the C++ connector but every time I get the same error message:
"CDK Error: unexpected message"

I'm trying to connect to a MaiaDB web server. When I use C# with the .net connector it works, I had to set SslMode to None to make it work though. I also tried to set mysqlx::SessionOption::SSL_MODE to mysqlx::SSLMode::DISABLED but also no luck there. And ofcourse I tried to turn off my firewall, but this shouldn't be the problem since I was able to connect with C# .net and also the MySQL shell. Any suggestions or help?


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "database.h"
#include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>

void Database::connect()
mysqlx::Session mySession(mysqlx::SessionOption::HOST, "example.com",
mysqlx::SessionOption::PORT, 3306,
mysqlx::SessionOption::USER, "user",
mysqlx::SessionOption::PWD, "password",
mysqlx::SessionOption::DB, "database");
catch (const mysqlx::Error &err)
std::cerr << err << std::endl;

About my setup:
Windows 10
Connector/C++ 8.0.11
Visual Studio 17 (version 15.7.4)

Load Data Local Infile with Connector/C++ (no replies)

I'm trying to execute a LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ... statement in an SQL statement using Connector/C++ (with MySQL 8 on Ubuntu with G++). I get an error: ERROR: CDK Error: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version. I've specified loose-local-infile=1 and local-infile=1 for both client and server in the cnf files. My LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ... statement works fine in the mysql client, so I don't think there's anything wrong with the statement itself.

In the older C connector version, you can include a call to

mysql_options (&mysql, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 0)

which makes it possible to use the statement. Is there any way to set client/connection options in the Connector/C++? Should I roll back to using the C connector?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

shared library installation location (no replies)


When installing the mysql connector, I provide the following flag to CMAKE:


After performing the:

cmake --build . --target install step, the mysql connector header files are installed under the /home/estevens/include as expected. However the shared library file (libmysqlcppconn8.so. and it's revelant softlinks (libmysqlcppconn8.so and libmysqlcppconn8.so.1) get installed directly under the build directory I use for compiling the software. These files never get deployed to /home/estevens/lib64, or /home/estevens/lib as conventionally expected.

Is there an additional cmake flag I can provide to force this behavior, or must I copy over the shraed library files manually after they are compiled. Normally, -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is sufficient. But it appears not to be in this case.

Thank you.

Can't Install. Documentation is vague. Unbuntu 18.04/Netbeans/Mysql 8 (1 reply)

I've have spent days trying to get this connector to work with my c++ application (netbeans IDE) with no luck.

The documentation for installation has got to be the worst ever! Please someone provide some decent steps for getting this to work.

Every time I compile my application I get the following error:

/usr/local/include/mysqlx/devapi/common.h:125: undefined reference to `mysqlx::string::Impl::to_utf8[abi:cxx11](mysqlx::string const&)'

What I'm I missing?

8.0.11 JDBC api crash VS2017 (no replies)

I have built openssl 1.0.2o, mySQL 8.0.11, and mySQL connector C++ 8.0.11 from source with the following configuration:

-Static library
-Static runtime

Created a simple application and linked it with

#include <driver.h>

int main()
sql::Driver *mDriver;
mDriver = get_driver_instance();
return 0;

The application crashes when it unloads:

file: client_plugin.cc function: mysql_client_plugin_deinit
plugin_list[2] read access violation.

Truth be told, this file that throws the exception is in the mySQL solution, not the connector, but as my project that uses mysqlclient.lib works fine (granted I don't use the mysql_client_plugin family of calls), I decided to post in this thread.

Feels like the MSVC++ runtime destroys plugin_list before it destroys NativeDriverWrapper.
...or... i may missed something in building.

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.12 has been released (no replies)

MySQL 8.0 Connector/ODBC: 32-bit is back (no replies)

Connector 8.0.12 PreparedStatement (no replies)

Hello together,
I have two issues:

1) I try to compile an application using Connector C++ 8.0.12.
The compiler misses the definition of the class "PreparedStatement". It is declared but not defined. Where do I find the definition?

2) I wonder why the class "Statement" is working. (It's definition contains many virtual members.) But when I try to run the app - it crashes with a heap error.

I think all the required Lib's/DLL's/headers are linked/included.

My machine:
Win 7/64
Visual Studio 14 (2015)

"Install Directory" - can you please be more specific? (no replies)

I'm trying to build the Connector/C++ on Ubuntu 18.04 and I have an error that after some web searching suggests that I set the MYSQL_DIR option for Cmake. In the documentation its called the 'MySQL server installation' directory. I can't reason out where this is. Here's why:

I used "sudo apt install mysql-server" to install the MySQL server.
A search for 'mysql' files on the system shows that mysql* files are in many directories.

Can you tell me what this would be on Ubuntu or give me examples?
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