Hi, to be brief, my codes works on a computer I made the program,
but on another PC it only works in Safe Mode with Network, but fails in normal mode. Because I write to KEY REGISTRY Shell, I overwrite explorer.exe
So explorer.exe does not start.
However, the same program works on PC where I made this program.
I am not sure why???
MYSQL *conn;
MYSQL_ROW row;//hello
char *server = "myhosting.com";
char *user = "username";
char *password = "password"; /* set me first */
char *database = "databasename";
conn = mysql_init(NULL);
while ( !mysql_real_connect(conn, server,user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0) ){ ::MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Cannot connect to SQL","Help",MB_OK); }
So it goes to never ending loop.
So once more this code works on remote PC in safe mode with network, but fails in normal boot.
Anyone help?
but on another PC it only works in Safe Mode with Network, but fails in normal mode. Because I write to KEY REGISTRY Shell, I overwrite explorer.exe
So explorer.exe does not start.
However, the same program works on PC where I made this program.
I am not sure why???
MYSQL *conn;
MYSQL_ROW row;//hello
char *server = "myhosting.com";
char *user = "username";
char *password = "password"; /* set me first */
char *database = "databasename";
conn = mysql_init(NULL);
while ( !mysql_real_connect(conn, server,user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0) ){ ::MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Cannot connect to SQL","Help",MB_OK); }
So it goes to never ending loop.
So once more this code works on remote PC in safe mode with network, but fails in normal boot.
Anyone help?