Hey all.
I try to find a solution for this error over many houres but there is no solution i think.
At the first here the error:
# ERR: SQLException in /home/Sick/Documents/cpp projects/Oktopussy/EventServer/main.cpp(main) on line 120
# ERR: MySQL_Connection::prepareStatement(const sql::SQLString& sql, int* columnIndexes) (MySQL error code: 0, SQLState: )
this error appears at con->setSchema("W_GAME");
And here the code
printf("declare variables\n");
sql::Driver *driver;
sql::Connection *con;
sql::ResultSet *r_set;
sql::Statement *st_mnt;
sql::PreparedStatement *pstmt;
driver = get_driver_instance();
//Connect to server
con = driver->connect("tcp://", "user", "pw");
printf("Connect to Server\n");
//select db
printf("Select db\n");
pstmt = con->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO player (name,points,kills,games) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points=points+?,kills=kills+?,games=games+1 WHERE name=?");
printf("Create Statement\n");
pstmt->setString(1, name);
pstmt->setInt(2, points);
pstmt->setInt(3, kills);
pstmt->setInt(4, points);
pstmt->setInt(5, kills);
pstmt->setString(6, name);
delete pstmt;
delete con;
delete st_mnt;
delete r_set;
printf("SQL Executed!\n");
} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl;
cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl;
I tryed so many but nothing helps.
Thanks in front of
MfG Sick^
I try to find a solution for this error over many houres but there is no solution i think.
At the first here the error:
# ERR: SQLException in /home/Sick/Documents/cpp projects/Oktopussy/EventServer/main.cpp(main) on line 120
# ERR: MySQL_Connection::prepareStatement(const sql::SQLString& sql, int* columnIndexes) (MySQL error code: 0, SQLState: )
this error appears at con->setSchema("W_GAME");
And here the code
printf("declare variables\n");
sql::Driver *driver;
sql::Connection *con;
sql::ResultSet *r_set;
sql::Statement *st_mnt;
sql::PreparedStatement *pstmt;
driver = get_driver_instance();
//Connect to server
con = driver->connect("tcp://", "user", "pw");
printf("Connect to Server\n");
//select db
printf("Select db\n");
pstmt = con->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO player (name,points,kills,games) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points=points+?,kills=kills+?,games=games+1 WHERE name=?");
printf("Create Statement\n");
pstmt->setString(1, name);
pstmt->setInt(2, points);
pstmt->setInt(3, kills);
pstmt->setInt(4, points);
pstmt->setInt(5, kills);
pstmt->setString(6, name);
delete pstmt;
delete con;
delete st_mnt;
delete r_set;
printf("SQL Executed!\n");
} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl;
cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl;
I tryed so many but nothing helps.
Thanks in front of
MfG Sick^