Read that this was a problem relating to OO.o, but I am not using it.
*** glibc detected *** /home/gdmps/NetBeansProjects/SymbolHistory/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/symbolhistory: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09ab92b8 ***
This error is printed whenever I am accessing both mysql thru the connector and using the boost function: to_iso_extended_string(d). ( It still prints correct date, then bombs ).
// Create the History Database and Tables
// The Table names are derived from the year and month; 1997-01 thru 2012-01 <current year-month>. No manual intervention is required.
stmt->execute( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + db_history );
stmt->execute( "CREATE DATABASE " + db_history );
con -> setSchema( db_history );
// the deletes were at the end of the program, moved them here to see if that helped.
delete stmt;
delete con;
// Create history database tables "YYYY-mm".
//months single(1);
//add_month mf(1);
//date work_date(from_simple_string( start_date ));
//date end_date = day_clock::local_day();
// was more to the routine than this, swiched to the simplist I could find
// to check that it was not me causing it.
try {
//Read ISO Standard(CCYYMMDD) and output ISO Extended
std::string ud("20011009"); //2001-Oct-09
date d1(from_undelimited_string(ud));
std::cout << to_iso_extended_string(d1) << std::endl;
catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cout << " Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
The other five or so, boost date functions i am using do not produce this.
There is no free() in the boost routines I am using.
Read that this was a problem relating to OO.o, but I am not using it.
*** glibc detected *** /home/gdmps/NetBeansProjects/SymbolHistory/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/symbolhistory: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09ab92b8 ***
This error is printed whenever I am accessing both mysql thru the connector and using the boost function: to_iso_extended_string(d). ( It still prints correct date, then bombs ).
// Create the History Database and Tables
// The Table names are derived from the year and month; 1997-01 thru 2012-01 <current year-month>. No manual intervention is required.
stmt->execute( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + db_history );
stmt->execute( "CREATE DATABASE " + db_history );
con -> setSchema( db_history );
// the deletes were at the end of the program, moved them here to see if that helped.
delete stmt;
delete con;
// Create history database tables "YYYY-mm".
//months single(1);
//add_month mf(1);
//date work_date(from_simple_string( start_date ));
//date end_date = day_clock::local_day();
// was more to the routine than this, swiched to the simplist I could find
// to check that it was not me causing it.
try {
//Read ISO Standard(CCYYMMDD) and output ISO Extended
std::string ud("20011009"); //2001-Oct-09
date d1(from_undelimited_string(ud));
std::cout << to_iso_extended_string(d1) << std::endl;
catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cout << " Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
The other five or so, boost date functions i am using do not produce this.
There is no free() in the boost routines I am using.